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"Give yourself permission to explore the fullness of your mind. In this place, your spirit will be your compass, & your breath, your guide."

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One mindfull discussion at a time...

Meet Mindfull Mari, creator & host of That's a Mindfull! a Trauma Brain Podcast. She is a trauma researcher, educator & advocate. Mindfull Mari aspires to model deep, meaningful conversations with each guest, client, business partner & herself, to show that through compassionate connection we can heal even the darkest parts of ourselves. 


Whether the conversation is with our mind, body or spirit, what does it take to have a mindful discussion? Mindfull Mari explores, why it is difficult to stay present and connected when having conversations that make us feel things.


​"I want to remove the stigma that surrounds talking about our trauma, so people know we all have trauma, or experience the impacts of trauma in some way. So that we may further understand: it's our stories & experiences that connect us."


 Mindfulness is a practice. With all of the things we have to consider in the back of our minds, our thoughts can stir, making our healing journey an absolute mindFULL. 


As a survivor of childhood trauma, sexualized violence, brain injury trauma and existing in a world as a Brown Queer womxn, Mari shares her experiences, research & resources with us in this safe mindful place to encourage the raw vulnerability it takes to continue healing every moment of every day. 


By ​using self-care methodologies that focus on self-advocacy, resilience building, gentle loving, kindness and care for oneself, intentional listening & thoughtful responding; Mari's goal is to create a space where people can turn the mindFULL into mindfulness.


​Welcome to...

A Mindfull Place. 

Stream That's a Mindfull! 


Listen here to any and all episodes. You can also listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher and more!

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Interested in being a guest on the show?

Let us know why we should have a mindFULL conversation with you! Whether you are an expert in Trauma Healing, Counseling, Therapy or more....OR are a survivor of trauma and have a story you'd like to share to offer insight into what it takes to rebuild & heal as a trauma survivor.

Thanks for submitting!

Become a Patron and Support Mindfull Mari's Trauma Research

With your monthly contribution, Mindfull Mari can continue to fund the books, time & education she is pursuing to become the most equipped Trauma Educator she can for the Mindfull Place Community.

©2021 by M. Candela

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